Create Project

Initial Setup

To create the project, you will need the Web3alert CLI. To install it, call the following command:

npm i -g @web3alert/cli

The app needs your personal token to work. You can get it on Web3alert in Settings - Account - Personal access token.

Create an application directory and add a configuration file:

mkdir ~/.web3alert
echo > ~/.web3alert/config.yml

In the config, specify the url of our service and a personal token:


Create Project

Create an empty directory for your project.

mkdir my-test-project

The directory of any project has the following structure:

|-- project.yml
|-- triggers
|-- resources


  • project.yml is a file describing the project;

  • triggers is a directory contains the triggers related to this project;

  • resources is a directory containing the project resources.

Let's create all these entities for our new project.

cd ./my-test-project
mkdir triggers
mkdir resources
echo > project.yml

To push a new project to the web3alert service we need to fill in project.yml with the required fields.

name: my-test-project
public: false
  title: My Test Project
  description: My test project

Now that porject.yml is filled, we can call the push command from the project directory:

web3alert project push

That's it. Next, we will study how to add triggers to our project.

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